Welcome to RevelationConnections.Vision – Linking Saints Globally to Hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church.

This is your invitation to explore the revelations of believing listeners from around the world. It is also a platform for you to share the things our Lord is speaking to you with a world-wide audience. 

Revelation Connections ensures every saint, not just notable prophets, have an opportunity of expression. And that expression may come from people in Argentina, Zimbabwe or Luxemburg.

Revelation Connections is a place for you to hone your spiritual listening, disclose your heaven-born insights, and pursue collaborative kingdom ministry.

Catch the vision for connecting with Saints in every nation so we will gain a corporate ear, discerning together what the Holy Spirit is saying to the entire Church.

There is nothing like Revelation Connections on the entire internet! This is a new wineskin for new wine. Never before has there been a site specifically designed to enable earnest, sincere listeners from every country to connect and discover a harmony of hearing! 

For many Google, with its vast amount of human knowledge, has become a god-substitute. Our goal is to discover together what is beyond the genius of mankind – what our heavenly Father is presently communicating! We seek to hear from Heaven’s news channel, Heaven’s solutions channel, and Heaven’s Kingdom strategies channel.

Some insects have compound eyes. In a figure, so does The Church of our Lord Jesus Christ. Each Saint possesses a portion of what God is revealing. When we communicate and share our pieces a compound picture appears. The results are thrilling!

Imagine going to a party. As you enter the house the Host gives you one piece of a puzzle. In fact, every guest is given a piece. The last guest to enter receives the last piece. This is a puzzle party!

Now the host does not share a picture of the completed puzzle, or tell us how to put the puzzle together. He is relying on the inquisitiveness of the guests and their motivation to work together. The host has planned for this party to have excitement in the process, and satisfaction in the completion.

How does our puzzle party proceed? We connect as people, share and listen, and look and cooperate. Someone might say, “I have an edge piece of dark blue with a dash of red.” And the game begins.

You friend, have a piece, and perhaps many pieces to this puzzle. There is a world of Saints who also have enumerable pieces. Our puzzle party includes billions of people who acknowledge Jesus Christ! It is immensely puzzling, but as assembled it reveals the staggering glory of God!

People explore the astounding mysteries of the human genome. Our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made. Do you think the Body of Christ is less amazing? We are about to feel at the highest magnitude God’s purpose and plan realized. Your participation will uncover things which must be exposed, and reveal the splendor of God! 

Our participation in Revelation Connections will propel the global Church to see the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God, His unsearchable judgments, and His untraceable paths! (Rom 11:33)

Let’s take a tour of Revelation Connections.

Start by Clicking SEARCH! See what others are posting by way of dreams, visions and prophetic impressions. Do a simple one-word search, like “Sacramento,” or a multiple word search like Sacramento, Indian restaurant and airline pilot. 

Revelation Connections is a new site. Be patient! As we begin the database will be limited but anticipate an explosion of submissions. Stick with us as the records and testimonies expand. We are entering a rainstorm-day of dreams, visions and prophetic impressions! Anticipate a tsunami of insight, courage, and activation as God’s heart, mind and plan are both revealed, and accomplished in the earth!

You’ll discover many are having virtually identical experiences, complementary experiences! So, go ahead, pray, and search for the things on your heart. Watch what appears as the pieces are joined!


Every Saint hears the voice of the Good Shepherd. This is His promise to us. 

Let’s say you have a dream in the night and God is speaking to you. 

You have a vision, or a striking mental picture.

You hear His voice inwardly, or even audibly.

You have a word of comfort, encouragement, warning, or direction. 

Perhaps you received a breath of inspiration for an invention, a business, a new way to build up Christ’s Body, and disciple entire nations. 

Simply key into Submissions your experience and impressions. 

Perhaps you’re not sure you are discerning God’s voice. We must all reverence our Lord, and must never be flippant or presumptuous. We see partially and we may make mistakes. But the school of the prophets in Scripture implies we are all learning to discern God’s voice. Go ahead, click SUBMISSIONS, and write down your experience. As you engage in this process you will come to see if you are hearing clearly, and if you are on the right track. We are in process of testing all things, and holding on to what is true.

Now anyone may search on Revelation Connections, but in order to submit you need to subscribe. This is very intentional. We have standards regarding profession of faith in Christ and practical connection with local believers. Sincere, practicing disciples of Christ are welcome, whether you are new-born or have served Him for decades. If you are not yet a believer in Christ stick with searching. We certainly hope and pray you will discover Him in your searching.

Click TESTIFY! Discover inspiring, faith-building accounts from fellow listeners. Share you blessed outcomes from hearing and following our Shepherd’s voice. May God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ receive glory as the testimonies multiply!

Next, we have MY PERSONAL JOURNAL. This is your private spot for recording your encounters and your learnings with God. Use My Personal Journal to keep a record of times you were hearing our Lord speak. Looking back, your journal will be tremendously fortifying! Use your journal as a forge for receiving, articulating, interpreting and creating applications.

As you build your own personal Journal you share in a discipline practiced by many others. You can start from scratch, or if you already have an electronic journal you can post it in.

We suggest you date and title each entry. As your journal grows you will be able to search it for individual words and experiences. This process will help you hone your spiritual vocabulary. Walking through your treasury of golden gifts will be a delight!

You can also clip selections from your personal journal and post them into submissions. 

Make use of the LEARNING TO LISTEN page. This page provides inspirational teaching and models for developing your spiritual senses. How appreciative we are of those who stimulate us with concrete teachings from Scripture, and life experience. We discern the voice of God in many ways. Hone your spiritual senses by going to LEARNING TO LISTEN

Please support this enormous endeavor by going to DONATIONS

A project of this scope cannot run on a lightweight website. It requires massive search engine capacity, people to oversee and cultivate the technology, and consecrated, watchful Saints to supervise the content. 

There are many wonderful Christian ministries to invest in. This site will be used to fortify each of them! Your financial donation to Revelation Connections will buttress existing ministries and individuals you presently support.

Some give lip-service to the need for prayer. But we know, “Unless the Lord build the house they labor in vain that build it.” The success of this venture will depend on the prayers of sincere believers, and on their humility and courage to share, and value the experiences of others. 

Please support this project with your donations, prayers, feedback and suggestions. And please link the site to other listeners. 

May all glory – every bit of it, all honor – every drop of it, be to our very soon-coming Bridegroom, the Desire of Nations, earth’s rightful King! 

Thanks for getting on board as we make Kingdom preparations for the magnificent, panoramic, bodily return of our Master Jesus Christ!


Open the door to sharing as well as discovery, to the ability to contribute testimonies and create your own personal journal!

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