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Revelation Connections

Welcome to RevelationConnections.Vision – Linking Saints Globally to Hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church.

This is your invitation to explore the revelations of believing listeners from around the world. It is also a platform for you to share the things our Lord is speaking to you with a worldwide audience.

Revelation Connections ensures every saint, not just notable prophets, has an opportunity for expression. And that expression may come from people in Argentina, Zimbabwe, and Luxemburg.

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Here’s your opportunity to search a database of dreams, visions, and prophetic impressions from Saints around the world! Find puzzle pieces that link with yours. Find others who have had similar experiences, words, and insights! Discover what the Holy Spirit is saying to The Church internationally! “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings.” (Prov 25:2)

Start Your Search 


You may have the last piece of a puzzle someone is waiting for! Here’s your opportunity to share with others what you are receiving from our gracious God. Don’t be hesitant. Share your dream, vision, or prophetic impression. It may be a confirmation of insight, encouragement, warning, or direction – not just for one person, but thousands!

Share Your Experience 


Testimonies are powerful, enforcing, and fortifying. The more we share what God has done, the more we see Him work among us! Your testimony will give courage to others to prevail in listening to our Master’s voice and seeking His face. Glorify God by sharing examples of His goodness!

Add Your Testimony 

My Personal Journal

This is your private spot for recording your encounters with God. Use My Personal Journal to keep a record of times you were hearing our Lord speak. Use your journal as a forge for receiving, articulating, interpreting, and creating applications. Journaling is a discipline practiced by many others. You can start from scratch, or if you already have an electronic journal, you can post it.

Create Your Journey 

Learning To Listen

Sharpen your hearing through the insights of others. This page provides inspirational teaching and models for developing your spiritual senses. How appreciative we are of those who stimulate us with concrete teachings from Scripture and life experience. We discern the voice of God in many ways. Hone your spiritual senses here!

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After the Twin Towers fell in New York, we learned dozens, and perhaps hundreds of believers around the world had “premonitions,” pictures or thoughts where they saw those towers coming down. What if there had been a forum such as Revelation Connections where those people could have shared these impressions beforehand?  At the very least, we would have been comforted to know that “God does nothing without first revealing it to His prophets” (Amos 3:7).

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Ways To Support


Open the door to sharing as well as discovery, to the ability to contribute testimonies and create your own personal journal!

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Terms of Service

Our standards for participation

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Open the door to sharing as well as discovery, to the ability to contribute testimonies and create your own personal journal!

Find ways to support Revelation Connections.

Find ways to support Revelation Connections. Find ways to support Revelation Connections.