And here is the message in a nutshell:
“Before you ever attempt to interpret a dream, vision or prophecy, wrap it, and immerse it, in the Goodness of God!“
Key Takeaways
- The foundation of all spiritual interpretation must be rooted in the understanding that God is fundamentally good, and His goodness permeates all things – even difficult or challenging situations
- When interpreting dreams, visions, or prophecies, we must look beyond the surface content and consider God’s redemptive purposes and loving intentions behind them
- Practical application of interpretation requires both spiritual wisdom and concrete action – combining faith in God’s goodness with appropriate real-world responses
- Every interpretation should lead to hope and understanding, even when dealing with troubling content, by viewing it through the lens of God’s ultimate good purposes
The Many Facets of Interpretation
As we begin let’s consider the many varieties of interpretation we pursue.
- We interpret foreign languages and words. It’s fun when this comes supernaturally.
- Even when we converse in our mother tongue we listen between the lines, we wonder where the conversation is headed, we wonder what motivates the person to choose their words. We seek to fully interpret.
- We listen for the tone of voice to gain meaning, particularly the emotional weight of what is being spoken.
- We look at facial expressions and endeavor to interpret what they are saying, even when someone is putting on a poker face.
- We watch people’s actions and wonder what makes them do what they do, what beliefs are behind their actions.
- We interpret weather patterns.
- We interpret cultural trends as we follow the news.
- We interpret the meaning of puzzling Scripture verses.
- We interpret dreams and visions and prophetic words
If we are attentive we can even watch our own behavior and circumstances and interpret what is going on in our own lives. Picture looking down on yourself from 40 feet above and listening to your words, watching your actions and even looking down on your thoughts. What might you discern and interpret as you step out of yourself and observe?
What other things can you think of which we interpret?
The Foundation of All Interpretation
Now here is the greatest “bias” we must all possess. It is foundational for interpreting all things in heaven and earth. Ready? Take a note. The bias which should be the umbrella over the interpretation of all things is, “God is good!”
Everything the Creator does, or allows to happen, is because of his goodness. Goodness is the most standout character of the loving Father. He spoke goodness at the beginning of creation. The creation could never have been good apart from the excellencies of the Creator.
The Critical Role of God’s Goodness
If our interpretations do not contain the solid, foundational conviction that God is good and that He makes everything turn out for good for those who love Him and are called out for His purposes we will miss interpretations by a country mile! Let’s illustrate.
A Case Study: Interpreting a Child’s Nightmare
We know a young child who was terribly abused by their father. They live in fear of their father with whom they are sometimes forced to live, even against their will. The child shared a dream with their mother of the father terribly abusing and then killing the child. How do you think the mother should respond? How would you interpret the dream?
It would be fairly easy to say the dream comes from the agitation of the child’s fear and past experience. It may even speak of a present danger the child is facing. But what is the interpretation of the dream? And how would you comfort and counsel the child with the right interpretation?
Finding Valid Interpretation
To find a valid interpretation you must start with a valid orientation, a valid bias. Whatever the interpretation of the dream, vision or prophecy the goodness of God must be the umbrella over it and the atmosphere that surrounds it.
If it is a dream of hope, joy and love it may be easy to sense the goodness of God. But don’t stop there. Go on and sense it, then magnify it to take you to higher levels of appreciation for God’s loving kindness!
If the dream is a difficult one then rejoice for many reasons. Rejoice greatly because God is good and intends good! In the nightmares, pictures of tragedy, and even in the demonic attacks, come out of them rejoicing in the goodness of God.
If I have a dream of fighting with demons and wake hot and feverish I do my best to immediately consider the goodness of God. I give thanks to him that He is answering my prayer to reveal and uncover all things. He is granting me spiritual discernment so I may know what mischief demons are up to, or what help angels are bringing. How tragic if there was no fire alarm to wake a family in a burning house. How Good of God to give us warning dreams, waken us and make us alert. Then the Scripture promises may speak to us, “Submit to God and resist the Devil, and he will flee from you!”
Practical Application: Counseling the Child
“Stephany,” I want you to know how dearly God loves you. He cherishes you and wants your very best! I declare by the name of His Son Jesus that you are safe in His hands, and you can trust Him. Actually the dream you had is a wonderful dream. I’ll show you how. God allowed you to have it so you would become more in touch with what is happening in your heart. That way you, and your Mom as well, may be able to respond to it with heavenly courage and wisdom. The interpretation of the dream is God holds you as precious and will watch over you as the apple of His eye even when you go through fearful things.
We bring you under His covering just as a little chick finds protection under the wings of the mother hen. We declare a future and a hope for you.
The dream shows you the things which make you afraid. It is good to see them clearly. Now the Lord is going to show how near and caring He is. He will protect and comfort your heart. He will watch over you, because God is good! Can you understand that?
Creating a New Perspective
Stephany, I want you to picture yourself in a movie theater. The light are down and you are watching yourself as your dream is playing. You are seated in a comfortable theater seat. Then you realize someone is sitting next to you. You feel them gently put their hand on your arm, and you turn to see the Lord Jesus Christ is watching the movie with you. God knows the scene makes you afraid and is there to comfort you. He also knows the movie is going to continue beyond what you see now. He knows the real end of the movie and He knows the movie is going to have a fantastic conclusion!
God is going to sit right by you and let you see how His goodness is going to bring a great turnaround to your story. Since God is good when he writes a story, your story, the story will have a happy ending, even a happily everlasting ending. This is the real interpretation of your dream and it comes from knowing God is thoroughly good and intends good for you.
We will take the problems we see in your dream seriously, but we will wrap it in the knowledge that God is so good, and will bring us all the way through our fears and troubles!”
Interpreting this child’s dream experience cannot be done in the confines of the dream itself. Faith pushes out the perspectives with the knowledge of God’s word, and awareness of the kind intentions of God’s loving heart. Merely to interpret the dream as, “You’re dreaming the fears you feel inside” would be a travesty because it leaves out the God of all hope. It leaves out the God of compassion and comfort, our liberating delivering Champion, and the healing Physician. We must not interpret with the blasphemous notions of a heartless, powerless God
Insights from Bob Jones
I once heard Bob Jones share a perspective which changed my attitudes about responding to difficult dreams and visions. His thoughts went basically like this:
When I find myself in a vision in a deep round empty pit, and I am trapped and unable to get out, I’ll say, Lord, as long as you want me in this pit I pray you would give me a comfortable chair to sit in, a TV to watch and an RC cola to drink, until it is time for me to come out.
Bob’s positive perspective and spin on a difficult vision shows rest and confidence in the goodness of God, His purposes and plans! It’s the sort of heavenly bias from which I want to live my life. Don’t you?
Practical Guidance for Supporting the Child
Now back to the child we mentioned. The child’s dream is an important alarm. The child deserves careful listening, comfort and practical solutions.
- The child should know they are in a safe place with a safe person.
- Comfort should be ministered with word and touch.
- The child should know they have a thoroughly sympathetic listener who has also felt fear, but one who has overcome.
- Thy should be encouraged to share every thought and feeling they are willing to, but without coercion or pressure.
- It would be good to record and date their sharing especially when it comes to their attitudes about their father.
- If there is a genuine concern for the child’s physical and emotional safety these things should be shared with spiritual leaders, case workers, counselors, lawyers, police and court reporters. Authorities may want to hear the child’s firsthand testimony.
Now please consider this additional perspective. All such practical responses take place in the wakeful hours. How much more should these also be wrapped in the reminder and felt awareness of the goodness of God. Every child should be taught the Scriptures and the ways of Christ’s wonderful Holy Spirit. These should be exampled by loved ones aware of the goodness of the Lord, His transcendent power, watchfulness and safekeeping.
Final Thoughts…

Now my friend, these are introductory thoughts on interpretation, but they are vitally important. If we fail to get a grip on the goodness of God permeating all things we will simply miss proper interpretation. A healthy knowledge of Scripture and the character of our wonderful God is the beginning of true interpretation. Let us ever be mindful of this cherished, ever-encouraging truth!
This is Steve Johnson with RevelationConnections.Vision Join our community of listeners. Share with others around the world what you are hearing from the Spirit of God. And search out what the Good Shepherd is saying to saints around the globe!
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