It’s a million dollar question. “How do you tell if a dream is from God?“
Every sincere Saint wants to live confidently. We want to live with the blessed satisfaction of knowing our good Shepherd’s voice and hearing clearly! We want to be free from distortion, misleading impressions, and confusion.
Key Takeaways
- Master the art of distinguishing between different types of dreams
- Apply time-tested biblical principles for dream discernment
- Learn to identify specific spiritual markers in potentially divine dreams
- Implement practical steps for accurate dream interpretation
- Develop confidence in understanding spiritual messages through dreams
- Create a systematic approach to recording and analyzing dreams
Understanding God’s Communication
So, “How do you tell if a dream is from God?” We find answers in God’s rock-solid word, and through seasoned training in the Holy Spirit. Here are thoughts to comfort and assure your heart, that God genuinely loves you, and He communicates His loving devotion even while you sleep!
God is incessantly talking to his children. He does it through the stars of heaven, the birds of the air, and the flowers of the field. Just as a radio station may broadcast 24/7 God’s glorious voice never goes off-line. He is speaking in so many ways! Our part is to be alert and listen.
God’s Perfect Communication Through His Son
Father God’s most perfect communication is expressed through His living Word, the In-flesh Son of God. Hebrews 1:1-2 tells us:
“In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe.“
We are so grateful for Jesus’ love-laced words recorded in the Scriptures. We may crack open our Bibles and get a word from God at any moment. We have the testimony of ages that He also speaks through the dreams of the night.
Types of Dreams
There are all kinds of dreams:
- Many have “pizza dreams,” or dreams which spin out of our busy lives.
- We have dreams reflecting our activities, projects, worries or wants.
- Some experience demonic dreams feeling temptation, attacks or oppression.
I am determined to learn from every dream, because in a sense all are “revelatory” even if we don’t class them as “God-dreams.” They may reveal what is going on with our inner thoughts and desires, our body’s health, our fears or ambitions. Solomon says in Ecclesiasties 5:3, “A dream comes with many cares.”
Understanding Different Dream Types
Dreams where we are excessively tired may simply tell us we need to manage our lives better and get good rest. Dreams where we are worried or overly preoccupied, may tell us what we are harboring in our wakeful hours. They may indicate our need to be more aware of God’s presence, love and guidance.
When I have bothersome dreams, even nightmares or find myself fighting evil powers I rejoice and give thanks. I take them as God answering my prayers for more discernment. Dreams which we may not class as “God-dreams” can be milked for good and become grist for prayer and life changes.
Discerning God-Given Dreams
Some dreams seem to come straight from God. But how can we be sure? There are easy answers in the Scriptures, and in the Holy Spirit!
Hebrews 5:14 indicates there is a process of growth in discerning good and evil:
“But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.“
Historical Example: Polycarp’s Vision
Polycarp the Bishop of Smyrna (Turkey) saw a vision of his pillow burning while kneeling. He knew it was from God, immediately understood it, and told his disciples he would be burned. He was martyred in the flames about AD 155, giving a bold witness. He knew in his spirit the vision was from God. It must have given him the comfort and courage to die well. Polycarp had trained his spiritual senses for decades.
Biblical Tests for Dream Discernment
Litmus tests help us discover chemical compounds and their concentrations. There are Biblical and Spiritual tests to discern revelation experiences. Here is litmus paper from the Scriptures.
Discerning God-Dreams with the Scriptures
If a dream is from God it will have the markings of God, and qualities we find in the holy Scriptures. Consider 1 Timothy 3:16-17:
“All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.“
If a dream is from God it will harmonize with these qualities. God-dreams come with inspiration, profitability, teachings, rebukes and corrections to train us in righteousness.
God-dreams inspire us to higher things. We will have a sense of empowerment with a God-dream, even if the dream challenges us. We have a sense that God is with us. His breath is infusing us.
In a dream I saw streams of orange juice pouring out of heaven. I put a glass under a stream, drank and felt very refreshed. It was a dream about heavenly supply and delight – a God-dream which inspired me.
God-dreams will help us become rich and fruitful in holy ways. We will profit from their teachings, rebukes, corrections and training.
In a dream I was teaching a small class on spiritual subjects. I became impassioned and started to pace in the class. I said,
“Ninety-nine percent of churches are missing the Holy Spirit. It is like taking your hand and putting it over the intake manifold of your engine. There is a gasp for air! How many of you believe this?” Everyone put up their hands.
I count this a God-dream. It reminds us we must not cut off the airflow of the Spirit but open ourselves to the Spirit’s inspiration.
I’ve had many dreams where I have been rebuked. They can be painful but I welcome them. A loving father sometimes needs to rebuke His children. In one dream I was sitting with my feet in wet concrete. The dream showed me I needed to take action on matters and not get stuck.
I dreamed I was talking at a conference. I shared,
“The past is behind us. There is nothing we can do to change it. We need to let the regrets go and give thanks for the blessings of the past.”
I then prayed with weeping that the last days of our lives might have a greater impact than the first. This dream has God-benefit for it reminds us to let go of the past and press on for the upward call of God in Christ Jesus!
Training in Righteousness
I was in a dream and watching a movie screen of a man teaching on Biblical subjects. He started to introduce his next topic which was on being more forceful, influential and vigorous. I spoke to the scene saying, “Go ahead, I’m listening, I want to learn more.” The man then looked at me and became real before me. We were talking face to face.
This was a God-dream for me. Many have called me a “peaceful” person but I realized in the dream I need more forcefulness as I minister. I welcome training in these righteous qualities.
Discerning God-Dreams in the Holy Spirit
Do you want to know if a dream is from God? Listen to the witness of the Holy Spirit! Telltales are strings or strips of ribbon on sails or stays. They tell the crew how to trim the sails for the best advantage. The Holy Spirit will help us discern the origin of our dreams as we are alert.
Using the Fruit of the Spirit as Telltales
Have you ever thought of using the Fruit of the Spirit as telltales to help you discern the source of your dreams? Consider Galatians 5:22-23:
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.“
What do you sense in your spirit when you have a God-dream? When a dream leaves behind a greater love of God and people you are picking up on the telltale. When you find greater peace about a situation, greater courage and faith, greater sympathy and patience you’re sensing the Holy Spirit’s telltale.
Understanding Correction in Dreams
Even dreams which carry warning, rebuke and correction may leave us with the fruit of the Spirit. God’s love is sometimes shown with an alarm bell. His love may come with chastening. Truly loving parents discipline their children.
“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” Heb 12:11
Examples of God-Dreams
The Seminary Dream
I Dreamed I was at a seminary. I was going to print a file from a Bible program but could not find where to pour the water into the printer to get it to work. God spoke to me through this dream. Real Bible teaching can only come forth with the anointing of the waters of Life.
The Church Visit Dream
In a night dream my wife and I were visiting a Church. The service was about to begin. Both she and I were holding hot dogs and cokes. We were delighted to visit with people in the pews. As we saw the pastor come to the pulpit we took our seats. The Pastor seemed critical. He said, “Let me begin by saying, do some of you think that you will meet God if you come in with a hot dog and a coke?” Pam and I smiled and gave little nods as if to say, “Yes, we do.” Other people in the congregation nodded as well.
This dream was from God. We know we should always be reverential before God, but there is a sweet freedom, joy, and holy carelessness when we know we are loved and accepted.
The Ocean Bed Dream
I found myself in a bed at the bottom of the ocean. I felt I was miles down. I was in awe to be that deep, somewhat like the awe on the up side when you’re taken with the scope of the heavens. It was totally dark.
I heard a voice high above me as if on the ocean surface say, “Get the pencil.”
I wondered how a pencil could get to me and how close it would be if it were dropped from the surface of the water. The pencil did not come for a while and I realized it would take a while to fall to me. Then after a few moments I heard a tap just a foot or so off the side of the mattress. It sounded like the tap a pencil would make if you dropped a pencil from a few feet and it landed on a hard floor with the eraser down.
I was a little queasy about feeling the ocean floor but as I did I was grateful to feel the floor was sandy. I was reaching around for the pencil.
It was interesting to have this dream because that morning I was starting a class at a church on hearing God’s voice through dreams and visions. God reveals deep things to us in deep sleep! It’s important to record them so we will be able to remember them. It was a God-dream complete with awe for worship, the realization God gives us deep things we should record, and the ability to record them so others may benefit.
Guidance For Dream Discernment
Do you want to know if a dream is from God? Listen, feel, think and sense in the Holy Spirit and you will know! God is so intent to communicate with His children. He dearly loves us, and proved it so strikingly through His Son, our Lord Jesus. He wants you to hear His voice through every means, even your dreams in the night.
The Scriptures and the Spirit are helping you discern God’s voice in night visions. Scripture and Spirit train our hearts like a tuning fork to the pitch of God’s voice. Listen to the tone of the following truths and see how your dreams harmonize with them:
“The wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.” James 3:17
Do your dreams convey these qualities?
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Phil 4:8
Final Thoughts…
Look for these evidences, litmus tests, telltales and tuning fork pitches to discern dreams that God is giving you!

Don’t be afraid of discerning dreams wrong. The Lord Himself is anxious to keep you on the right path. The pure in heart will see God. Keep your heart simple and trusting. Remember the tone of His voice and you will be confident to rightly discern a dream’s origin. And should you still have some wrestlings take the dream to mature saints you trust.
Discerning if a dream is from God is, of course, just the beginning. The other steps we want to get are understanding it with our hearts, interpreting it, and making good applications.
Let’s keep growing together in discerning our dreams. And be sure to share your experiences with others at RevelationConnections.Vision so we can all assemble our puzzle pieces and get the Big Picture Christ is sharing with His Church!
This is Steve Johnson with another, Learning to Hear God’s Voice, teaching from RevelationConnections.Vision
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